Improving Skills

              Students goes to school for study, people studied to learn new skills, experience, patience, and new lessons for their own life. In technology/multimedia class, for this unit we did a review about skills that we had learned from the past four terms of the school year in Liger, which we had learned a lot of skills and lessons such as Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, Python, Storytelling and more useful lessons that we can operate in our daily life. Our technology/multimedia facilitator assigned us to choose one skill that we had learned from the past to review and create some outcome. For, I chose to work on Photoshop because when we learned about Photoshop I didn’t understand much about the concept and didn’t know how to use it properly. So, I chose this condition because I can learn more on my own to understand more clearly and briefly deep into the lesson. Before I started to work on Photoshop, I had watched a video about how to double picture in Photoshop and how to add and create more feathers on the picture. After I watched the video I tried myself doubling the picture in Photoshop and tried to create an appealing picture as nice as I tried my best to commit the picture. During my work, there are lots of challenges that block my path throughout my process. One of my biggest challenges on the course is remembering, while I was creating the product I couldn’t really remember the step that shown in the video, So I got mess with my picture and I have to recreated. Although, there are lots of challenges but those challenges help to me learn from my mistake and teach of life le

sson, because every action that we take is problematic. Permanently, this review help me to remember lesson that I learned about the Photoshop from the past terms and it guided me to learn new skills on Photoshop, and I think I deserve this prodigious project to preserve it in my life lesson.


This is the outcomemy creation: 

I hope you enjoy reading in blog and keep checking up to see new subject and more interesting to know.


Feeling with Python

Feeling with Python


In this unit in technology class we learned about function, list, and dictionary in Python programming language. In this round I had a lots of trip going on which is the main problem that cause me to miss this technology and multimedia class. In class our teacher taught about  function, list, and dictionary in Python. Function can be used to calculate the mean/average of the given list number. List is data structure that is a mutable or changeable , ordered sequence of elements. Dictionary is a collection of items that is unordered and changeable, and it written in a curly brackets { }.

Even though I missed a lots of technology, it is fine, I can spend my free to caught up on that and understand most of them. One thing that I am disappointed about is when I updated my PC windows and when I am opened the trinket account to see my code, unfortunately I lose all my code in the trinket account even I had saved the code in the account. Other thing is that when I copy the link of my code to submit my work in google classroom and I clicked on that link and it load none of my code back. That is the that the point for to unlike technology class and I felt like I don’t want to use trinket. But, because of my possible thinking that I can create the code,  which mean I can create another code of it, but because I think that I already create the colour creation so I want try new thing which is circle creation. Before, I found the circle creation I tries to look in my assignment that my teacher Cindy assigned to me, but I didn’t like all those material and the code, so I just go to trinket website and research about different code and finally I found the circle creation and the result is beautiful and try those material and it is really helpful for me even though it was not assigned. When I followed the instruction and make some change with the code and play around with those code, and finally change my negative feeling with trinket and my technology class. This is the code of the circle creation:


import turtle

import math

import random

wn = turtle.Screen()


Albert = turtle.Turtle()




def drawCircles(t,size):

   for i in range(10):


def drawSpecial(t,size,repeat):

 for i in range (repeat):




Steve = turtle.Turtle()




def drawCircles(t,size):

   for i in range(4):


def drawSpecial(t,size,repeat):

   for i in range (repeat):




Barry = turtle.Turtle()




def drawCircles(t,size):

   for i in range(4):


def drawSpecial(t,size,repeat):

   for i in range (repeat):




Terry = turtle.Turtle()




def drawCircles(t,size):

   for i in range(4):


def drawSpecial(t,size,repeat):

   for i in range (repeat):




Will = turtle.Turtle()




def drawCircles(t,size):

   for i in range(4):


def drawSpecial(t,size,repeat):

   for i in range (repeat):




Copy the code above and open this link to try my code here:

So as you can above this a code that I use trinket to code and you can check how the code work by copy the to trinket or any kind of codeboard. Overall I felt very good about trinket and I want to learn and learn more about technology and wanted to code others different kind of code.

I hope you enjoy reading this have fun with you day.

Quote: If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal. ( Lifehack )



In this round, we had learned about python. Python is a high-level programming language, which used to code in a computer and others program. Throughout the class, we had learned about the condition of the code or the outline. The outline we learned this round are booleans, comparison, indentation, if statement, else statement, elif statement, and And Or, Not. Those outline we learned at the beginning of the round. Learning this program is not easy to learn, because it similar to learn another language. In order to get through those programming languages, we needed to put our effort and passion. After we understood about those outline, we continue to learn about different loops. There For loop and While loop that we learned. For loop is a loop to perform the action that follows the amount number of times. In For loop, there’s break statement, continue statement, and range function.

For loop example: ( break statement, and continue statement )

Break Statement example:

animals = [“bear”, “dog”, “deer”]

for x in animals:

   if x == dog:


print x

So the answer, it will print only bear and dog, because break statement used to stop the loop. The code will read the animals one by one, and if the code read the animals in the list by a dog the code will stop running, because in the loop we set the program to stop when it reaches the dog. Which mean break statement is used to stop the loop.


Continue Statement example:

animals = [“bear”, “dog”, “deer”]

for x in animals:

   if x == “dog”:


   print x

So the answer, it will print the bear and the deer only, because continue statement used to skip something in the list. The code will read the animals one by one in the list, and if the code read the animals in the list by a dog the code will skip the dog, because in the loop we set the program to continue or skip the dog to others animals that are in the list. Which mean that continue mean to skip something in the loop.


So hopefully, this explanation might help you a little bite of understanding what is a break and continue statement in For loop are.


Let’s continue to While loop. We used While loop to perform the action until the condition is false. In While loop there’re infinite while loop, break statement, continue statement and else statement. Let’s  do some example of break and continue statement of While loop and see what the different, but While loop mostly people use it with a number.


While loop example ( break statement & continue statement )

Break Statement example:

i = 1

while i < 6:

print i

if i == 3:


i += 1


So the answer, it will be 1, 2,3, because break statement used to stop the loop. In the loop we set that print i, and i is added up one until it reaches six, but we set that when i add up by one and it equals to three stop the loop. Which mean this break statement stop the code by at adding the number until the condition is false.


Continue statement example:

i = 0

while i < 6:

i += 1

if i == 3:


print i

So the answer for this exercise, it will print 1,2,4,5,6, because continue statement used to skip something the loop. In the loop we set that print i, and i is added up one until it reaches six, but we set that when it adds up by one and it reaches to 3, it skip number 3 and go to others number that is the loop. Which mean continue statement use to skip something in the loop, and it will stop the code when the condition is false.


So basically, you might understand something through this explanation and you might know the difference between break and continue statement in For loop, and break and continue statement in While loop.


Throughout the process, we are not just learning about those two loops. We are also doing some exercise with those two loops to understand more and get used to it.


It always feel impossible until it done! ( Nelson Mandela )


Pixar story

Once upon a time there was woman who give a birth to a little boy name Kimhor.

Everyday Kimhor learn very hard, and help people around him. He also a good student in class that always help students who struggle about their work.

One day there was a organization that came to his school and took some students that have talent for an opportunities of testing the exam. Kimhor did very well and pass the exam, and he came to learn at Liger Leadership Academy.

Because of that Kimhor can learn a lot project based-learning, and about other subject, and English.

Because of that Kimhor can speak English with foreigner, and have a lot of experience for different subject.

Until finally Kimhor use the skill he had learn to change his country which is Cambodia to become a country that has a very high economic, a lot of tourists, having a lot of rich people, and the country known as a famous country in world that never have before.


This Pixar story was written in the past few weeks, and I wrote it to describe the my life in the present and the future of my life of my change agent of Cambodia, as I would the BRIGHTER FUTURE of my Country CAMBODIA.


For the first day of multimedia and technology. I was shock, because I didn’t like technology or  Adobe software. I learn about primary source and secondary source. Primary source is a source that came from event, interview, newspaper, magazine, documentary, and more. Secondary source is a source, that came from a book or a passing speech from generation to generation. Cindy gave me a task to do the research about a topic that include primary source, and secondary source. I  chose to write about Royal palace in Cambodia. I had include primary source and secondary source. Also I had three key words about royal palace such as: Imperative, Capability, and magnificent. After we researched about royal palace, I had learn about Indesign, Lightroom, and Photoshop from my friends Vuochnea, Chhay, and Panharith. I learn how to add document, putting line, writing Khmer letter, edit picture, changing frame, and cutting photo from on picture to other picture. After I learned those three Adobe software, I had create a poster that include English letters, Khmer letters, line, shape, picture that I had edit, I had cut. 

From those experience it made me more interest, and like doing that Adobe and like technology more than before. 

Quote: Thing you don’t like, might one of your strength.