New Style

For this third year of English literacy, I thought that it going to get harder and harder. I learned about ancient English, where the root word come from. English root words mostly came from Greek, and Latin. For the alphabet and the word mostly came from German. Hannah had a new style of learning for the root word, which 10 words per  week. I like learning word from that style, and I am starting to know more about English root word, and many different words that I don’t know. There are some sentence with one blank word that help to get more remember the word and fill in the blank. Also there is few different words that have the same meaning for to guess with one is the best match with the word. Moreover there are a question to ask me with the word, and I need to answer all of the question. There are a small test about those root words the know how far we got there or to know how much we understand the words. This is a useful learning style that I ever met, and I hope next for third year in Liger same learning style as this round.

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